So, I'm back. I don't have the sad, sob story where I fell off "the wagon" and gained back all the weight I lost with DDPYoga. That didn't happen. I changed over to weights and cardio, got my gym membership and killed myself just as hard in the gym as I did in my living room. I've lost a little more weight, minus the "holiday" garbage weight that I (along with most of the world) put on the last couple weeks, a few more inches and I feel great.
I just missed it.
No other reason. I was getting good results in the gym, I haven't been quite as good nutritionally as I was, but I can give you one excuse after another for that, it doesn't matter, I just wasn't as good. But the simple reason I'm back boils down to one single thing.
I just missed it.
Is there anything wrong with that?
I am not coming back in to this with promises of blogging every day. I probably won't. I'm not interested in winning the DDPYoga challenge contest anymore. Sure, the money would help pay for the wedding (haha) but that was never, ever a big motivational tool before. I wanted to motivate people last time, I truthfully don't think I did. Now, I'll help, I'll give words of encouragement where I think they're needed, but I'm not going out of my way trying to make my words inspire others. If I inspire you, awesome, if I don't, I don't. I got so frustrated with the lack of response that my blog was getting that it soured me on a lot of things. I don't care about any of that any more. I'm just here to own my life.
Is there anything wrong with that either?