So, I've known all along in this journey there were gonna be days that I didn't stick with the plan nutritionally. They'll be few and far between, but there will be days. Tomorrow is one of them. Tomorrow, this Virginia boy who could care less about either team, will be headed to the Iowa State vs. Iowa game. I'll be tailgating starting early in the morning and I'll be drinking the majority of the day.
Jodi has been awesome enough to pack some nutritious snacks for me (have I ever mentioned how amazingly supportive she is) but I can tell you right now if our neighbor in our tailgating spot has a grill and offers, I WILL partake.
I worked out tonight and I'm gonna workout tomorrow, but I will be enjoying myself tomorrow once I get there. It will be the first time in 46 days that I won't be worried about calories or anything of that nature. After the last two weeks I've had, I need it for my sanity. I've been extremely hard on myself, I don't let up, I don't take breaks and I work my ass off. I need tomorrow. I will enjoy tomorrow.
Then, Sunday, I'll be right back to the program and right back to kickin' ass.
Look for some pictures during the day tomorrow, I have a feeling some will be funny. TeamDDPYoga may be replacing facebook for me.....I like you people more than most of my "friends."
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