Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day proxy.

So, after Chris's long days at work yesterday and today...he came home from working two straight days, with only four hours sleep, and crashed hard.  I know he would wake up devastated that he didn't blog so I (future wife) decided that I should blog in his place.. .

I would like to take this opportunity to let you all know what an amazing, caring and giving man Chris is.  He likes to portray a tough image...but in reality he is a "softie".  This is a man who does anything and everything for me and his family.  To him, his whole journey is more "for us" than it it is "for him".  But for Chris, this is one in the same, US and HIM are the same.  He wants to be healthy for us and our future. He wants to be the best him he can be. 

He has amazed me every day with his dedication to this program and to maintaining it for the future.  I can tell this time it isn't a fleeting moment of  "I may be able to do this".  It is Chris's time to shine.  To do what he has tried to do in the past.  He WILL achieve his goals. Not because he wants to give me the "husband she deserves" but because he has the drive...the will to make those changes that last a lifetime.  It is for is for is for the kids...he WILL do this. 

At this time, one year from today, I will be Mrs. Manning...I don't care if he is 190 lbs and cut or 400lbs...I will love him with all my heart and soul.  As much as the first time I heard his voice, as much as the first time I laid eyes on him, I will love him unconditionally.  He is the man I am supposed to be with. 


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